Sunday, October 20, 2013

What Is An American?

I am not in a position to discuss what defines someone as an American, as I don't consider myself to be one. Having moved here from Canada 4 years ago I still don't believe i'm in a position to call myself an American; so if someone were to ask me "what am I", in any connotation, I couldn't answer ,"An American" (as i have not yet gotten a citizenship or really think of myself as an American). Having said that i think the right to call yourself an American, like any third world country, stems from your allegiance to the country, and perhaps involved practice of its political/social habits and agenda. A citizenship doesn't account for a lack of involvement with the country you live in, and to truly be able to call yourself an American i think you must show some sort of contribution to the country, and the society you live in. An American, in their daily life, must make an acknowledgement to the rules and morals the country was built on. He/She shouldn't take for granted the abundant rights American forefathers fought to instill, and make sure others are not oppressed in any way. An American should appreciate the exceptional diversity and opportunity that is America, and use it to their advantage to further the growth of the country as a whole through study and profession. Someone who has been living here their whole life may not identify themselves as an American, yet someone who has moved here only a few years ago may consider themselves an active member of the country, and i believe they have a right to. It ultimately is a state of mind that is important in being an American.

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